A journey to paradise of West Szechuan and Yunnan. The itinenary, altitude, distance between towns can be referred to below map.
Day 1 : Chengdu - Sunny 15 deg C - 12/Oct 2011
Day 2 : Mt Gongga - Cloudy 0 to15 deg C - Night hot spring bath, Largest frozen waterfall
Day 3 : Xindouqiao - Cloudy -2 to 10 deg C -3rd most photographic place in China
Day 4 : Daocheng - Sunny 0 to 10 deg C - Autumn Poplar tree
Day 5 : Yading - Sunny/Light Snow -2 to 10 Deg C - 3 snow covered Holy mountains
Day 6 : Daocheng - Cloudy -2 to 10 Deg C - Yading Lakes at 4800m, Autumn colours
Day 7 : Benzilan - Sunny 18 deg C - Red grass, village city, amazing by the road scenery
Day 8 : Yubeng - Sunny 2 to 10 deg C - Starry starry night at this remote village
Day 9 : Yubeng - Rain 2 to 10 deg C - Holy waterfall, village life
Day 10: Feilaisi - Snow -5 to 10 deg C - Holy mountain view, Snow at white horse mt.
Day 11: Shangrila - Cloudy 0 to 15 deg C - Mix of old and new town, shopping
Day 12: Lijiang - Sunny 10 to15 deg C - Old town, Pubs, special Yunnan food
Day 13: Lijiang - Cloudy 10 to 15 deg C - Impression Lijiang show
Day 14: Kunming - Sunny 15-20 deg C - Shopping and eating
去搜索心灵深处的眷念与牵挂... (Yubeng)
1) 我迷恋--
**摄于稻城亚丁途中(On the way to Yading from Daocheng)
**摄于乡城途中(On the way to sun city from Xiangcheng)
**摄于亚丁洛绒牛场往牛奶海途中(Yading-on the way to "Milky" Lake)
2) 我终于醉倒于这--
**秋天山峦的褐棕(On the way to Xiangcheng)
3) "大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物.
乱石崩云,惊涛裂岸, 卷起千堆雪。
江山如画,一时多少豪杰" --东坡居士
**摄于虎跳峡--终于领会那千堆雪的意境(Tiger Gorge)故壘西邊,人道是,三國周郎赤壁。
乱石崩云,惊涛裂岸, 卷起千堆雪。
江山如画,一时多少豪杰" --东坡居士
7) 我目睹了--
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